“When the world closed” is performed in collboration with Sonic Jeel ( Michael Hersurd, Simone Muscolino and Sarah Awad) and Fadaa for Shubbak Festival 2021.
“@getfadaa_ (Space) is a new initiative, by artists and curators @khalidalbaih and @hadeel_eltayeb , to broker fresh relationships between creatives and spaces in different locations. They have welcomed artists back into spaces to create, share and present new works and invited audiences to return. The result is five events in five cities livestreamed globally. It is an initiative that aims to open up possibilities again and connect us together in a spirit of curiosity and generosity.”
Sonic Jeel is a collaborative initiative investigating sound, noise, electronic music, and audiovisual media within the context of Qatar and the Gulf region. We celebrate the interplay of the sonic and the graphic toward a new generation of interdisciplinary makers. Our aim is to be a platform for exploratory research, production and distribution of experimental sonic work in support of the growing creative industry in Doha.